Maximize the Year of the Dragon Energy in 2024!!
Every year around the time of the lunar new year, there is a buzz about the upcoming New Year, with its representative animal sign: the Tiger, the Ox, the Rabbit etc. and soon to be the Dragon.
What most people don’t know is that in Classical Feng Shui, the ancient Art & Science of placement, a cornerstone form of self-care for setting up your environment to support you, the energy changes a bit every year on a static date of February 4th
Timing is everything and learning about the annual energy changes is empowering.
Working with this new energy helps you to make the appropriate Feng Shui enhancements for the new year to prepare and support you and your home/business for the best year ahead.
Think of it as someone giving you an energetic map of the do’s and the don’ts for the year such as where to dig and renovate or not and the best areas of your home to spend time in. Changes can be minimal and easy like adding a potted plant in a wealth sector; strengthening health by adding some decorative metal like a brass lamp or guidance on attracting ideal partnerships or harmonizing existing ones.
Protection is key too for health and wealth luck each year.
In Feng Shui, we acknowledge the Cosmic Trinity of luck knowing that there are many things that contribute to life’s circumstances including Heaven luck (karma), Earth luck (Feng Shui) Person luck (personal actions).
I always have a healthy respect for the protectors placed each year and my client Cathie S. in Florida has reinforced this even more in her recent account. “Thank you for everything you do! I have been a fan with great respect since we met. I have kept up with my annual year change and have always felt the blessings and protection around me since incorporating your suggestions into my life! You know I moved to Florida… When Ian was heading in our direction, I packed my precious things and left everything else battened down the very best we could. I left all of my Feng Shui protections in place. When we Returned to our house, we had near zero damage to our house! Neighbors all teased us that we are so lucky, I know I am beyond blessed!”