The Basics of Space Clearing
If you’re interested in learning about the basics of Space Clearing, then this blog is for you. You’ll learn what it is, why you can benefit from it, and how to get started.
What is Space Clearing?
When many people hear the term “Space Clearing” they think of clearing clutter from their home. While this is always a useful and important endeavor, Space Clearing, also known as energetic space clearing is about “clearing” your home or office space on another level.
This sounds a bit esoteric. Where is this energy in my home that I am going to clear? And why should I Space Clear my home or work environment?
Our homes absorb energy in walls, ceilings, furniture, and objects we keep in our surroundings. The energy comes primarily from the people who live there and the activities that take place in the environment. The concept works like this: If you have ever walked into a room after an argument, you can feel it even if you were not present for the argument. This energy though invisible can be felt and stored by our surroundings. Our homes and the other environments we occupy (offices, work, schools, etc.) absorb and store the energy that comes into them – whether it is positive or negative. Space Clearing helps to remove that old energy. example, start in the foyer closet, onto the linen closet, and finally clothes closet. Don’t try to do everything at once!
Is Space Clearing unique to Feng Shui?
No, many world cultures and religious traditions have some form of a clearing ritual. Native Americans may burn the herb sage. Ringing singing bowls are popular in the Tibetan culture, while the ringing of traditional upright brass bells and the burning of incense-like frankincense are used in western church settings. These various traditions can be used by anyone to help uplift their space to create an environment that feels fresh and clean.
When should I Space Clear? How often should I Space Clear?
If you can regularly practice Space Clearing your environment that is ideal. For example, consider doing it every spring or fall. With that said, also Space Clear any time you feel the need. This would include any time you feel stuck, have had a downturn of luck, or have experienced a major life change such as a divorce, passing of loved one, illness in the family, children going off to college, or if you are moving into a new home or leaving an old one. Many use space clearing to begin or deepen their Feng Shui process.
How can I easily Space Clear?
Some quick and easy tips to get you started without performing a complete ritual:
— Open all of the windows in your house and allow the fresh outside air to blow through your home
— Walk through your space ringing bells and/or clapping your hands along walls and up corners
— Walk with burning incense throughout your home (carefully of course!), moving along walls and up corners
— Play inspiring music such as something classical or a divine chant
— Place sea salt in bowls around your home for 24 hours and sprinkle it on the thresholds of your house. Sea Salt is a great neutralizer and absorber of negativity. Be sure to put a bowl in any room that may feel heavy (e.g., the room of a person recovering from an illness or an angst filled teenager). Important Note: Put the salt out in the sunshine for about 4 hours to “charge” it up, before using it. To discard, flush it down the toilet.
How can I learn more about Space Clearing? How can I learn to perform a full Space Clearing Ceremony?
To learn more about the art of blessing and uplifting your home, Feng Shui Your World has produced an instructional DVD on “Energetic Space Clearing” filmed during a two hour workshop. The DVD is complete with tips on how to prepare for a space clearing, supplies to gather, basic procedures to follow, as well as an actual space clearing ceremony in action including the application and use of sage, sea salt, bells, drums and rattles. To learn more or purchase the On-Demand Video, please click here.
What if I want my environment Space Cleared but don’t want to do it myself?
Feng Shui Your World offers Space Clearing consultations, where Linda Ellson will come into your home or office and perform a Space Clearing ceremony for you. For more information or book an appointment, please email: or call 716-863-8561.